Efficient international relations

Cooperation and interaction with international companies, organizations and specialized associations is one of the important factors influencing the growth speed and sustainable economic development of the country. The petrochemical industry, as one of the pillars of economic growth and development in Iran, is no exception and must create and expand effective regional and trans-regional communications and interactions with an intelligent approach and within the framework of the 24 principles of the general policies of the economy of resilience. In this regard, the international affairs of the National Petrochemical Company is a forerunner in leading relations with international organizations, banks, financial institutions and reputable companies active in the oil, gas and petrochemical industries and plays an important and effective role in this regard.


Share of Global Markets in Iran’s Petrochemical Sales


Share of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran’s Petrochemical Industry


Share of European Firms in Supplying Technical Savvy to Iran’s Petrochemical Projects

History of Petrochemical Industry in Iran

  • Establishment of the Chemical Company and implementation of the construction plan of Marvdasht Fars Chemical Fertilizer Plant
  • Establishment of the National Petrochemical Company with government ownership and under the auspices of the National Iranian Oil Company
  • The birth of the petrochemical industry Development of the petrochemical industry in the form of three development plans: construction of Razi (Shahpour), Abadan, Pazargad, Ahvaz Carbon (Iran), Kharg, Farabi (Iran Nippon) petrochemical complexes, and Shiraz and Bandar Emam (Iran- Japan) petrochemical development projects
    1963 - 1979
  • Stagnation until resumption of petrochemical activities (completion of some semi-finished projects and reconstruction of war-damaged complexes) Re-emergence of the petrochemical industry: Completion of some semi-finished projects, implementation of the first 5-year plan and reconstruction of war-damaged complexes - Completion and operation of a number of basic projects: Exploitation of projects such as Razi ammonium phosphate (1990), the first Shiraz methanol (1990), Bandar Imam (1994-1990), Isfahan (1992), the first phase of Arak (1993) and Ahvaz industrial soot (1994) petrochemical projects.
    1980 - 1994
  • Implementation of the second five-year plan of the National Petrochemical Company with the aim of increasing profitability, enhanced exports, expanding privatization and increasing output and product diversity with special and new products Start of the first golden period of petrochemical industry and implementation of various petrochemical projects (first leap) - Implementation of the third five-year development plan of the National Petrochemical Company - Privatization of the petrochemical industry and transformation of the National Petrochemical Company into a supervisory governing body Continuation of the first-leap plans - implementation of the third five-year development plan of the National Petrochemical Company
    1995 - 2009
  • Start of the fourth five-year development plan of the National Petrochemical Company The second leap of the petrochemical industry (including 45 petrochemical projects) - Continuation and implementation of the fourth and fifth five-year development plans of the National Petrochemical Company
    2011 - 2025