International Upcomming Exhibition

International Upcomming Exhibition

Venue: The 13th India chem International Exhibition and Conference - 2024

Date: 17-19 Oct. 2024

Place: Mumbai- India

Goal: The most important objective of India Chem is to organize and highlight investment opportunities in the Indian chemical industry and to implement the Indian government's strategy of "Make in India". Leading companies and buyers from all over the world, mainly from China, Japan, England, Spain, America, Germany, Italy, Brazil, Turkey, Iran and Southeast Asian countries will attend this exhibition as participants, representatives and visitors. Indian chemical industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. It is currently the 3rd largest producer in Asia and the 6th largest producer in the world after the United States, China, Germany, Japan and Korea. The Government of India wishes to provide an environment of support and encouragement under the 'Make in India' initiative to utilize its existing potential and opportunities. India Chem 2024 with the slogan "Advantage BHARAT; "Indian Chemicals and Petrochemicals paving the future" tries to showcase the government's potential and support policy for sustainable growth in this sector and create an important platform for domestic, international investors and other stakeholders to interact with each other by creating potential synergies. provide a huge opportunity for trade and investment.

Perspective: Considering the population growth and the economic growth of India, the development of the petrochemical industry in this country is in line with the increase in the demand for various petrochemical products, especially urea fertilizer, as the second consumer of urea fertilizer in the world (amounting to 35 million tons of consumption per year and the gap between supply and demand4 million tons) is expected. On the other hand, the commercial interactions between the two countries, Iran and India, have existed as a traditional and accessible market since the past, and considering the strategy of Iran to expand commercial cooperation with the countries of the region and the potential of cooperation between the two countries, especially Regarding the types of fertilizers and the ability of Iranian petrochemical companies to meet the market needs of that country, the participation of Iranian petrochemical companies, especially production/exporting companies, is suggested in this event.


Venue: Argentina Oil & Gas Expo 2023 Date: 11-14 Sep. 2023 Place: Buenos Aires- Argentina

Goal: Getting to know the innovations of the hydrocarbons market and related activities

Product group: Exploration and production of oil and gas Distribution (LPG oil and gas) Transportation (oil, LPG gas) Refinement Marketing (oil, LPG gas) Special service companies Material and equipment suppliers


Venue: Nigeria International Energy Exhibition (NOG) 

Date: 30 June- 4 July 2024 Place: Abuja - Nigeria

The dimensions of the exhibition: 9000 square meters of exhibition space, 7000 visitors, 800 representatives from African countries, the Middle East, Europe, Asia and America, 250 booths (with the presence of China, India, Germany, America, Turkey and the European Union) and 115 industry expert speakers. CEOs of various companies including Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Total)  

The main areas of the exhibition: Oil and Gas: With the presence of oil companies, services, oil equipment and oil and gas industry developers in this area, issues related to oil and gas extraction, transportation and processing will be raised in this area.  Energy: With the presence of energy production companies, energy equipment and developers in this sector, it will focus on electricity generation, solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy and other energy sources. Research and development Environment and sustainability  Importance of the exhibition: Africa's petrochemical industry has significant potential for growth and development. Growing consumer market, abundant natural resources, acceptance of technology and innovation, increasing focus on biological and environmental sustainability, high capacities of bilateral or multilateral cooperation in the field of exporting oil, gas and petrochemical products, high potential of participation in the construction of refineries Petrochemical is one of the attractive opportunities to be present in the African continent.  Participants in the exhibition: Investors, government and private sector activists in the fields of oil, gas, LNG, renewable energy and electricity will be present in this exhibition, the most important of which are the following:

Shell,Exxonmobile, Chevron, Schlumberger, Total Energies, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, ENI, NNOC 

Link: https:// Email:

Contact:  Director : Odiri Umusu  +234 813 8938 564  +44 208 0780 789 +44 759 3441 50


Head of Sales: Alex Pople  +44 759 3441 501  +44 208 0780 779


In order to improve the capacity of domestic companies, to acquire technical knowledge, to be aware of the latest achievements and innovations, equipment and machines used in the petrochemical industry, and to cooperate with well-known companies present in important and prestigious international exhibitions, information is provided.

Venue: International Energy Fair (Energetika) 

Date: 14-19 Oct. 2024

Place: Belgrade - Serbia

Subject: This international exhibition is the largest annual gathering in the field of oil, gas, coal, renewable energy sources, energy and mining and seeks an opportunity to connect investors, equipment manufacturers, financial institutions and local governments. This exhibition has two conference and exhibition sections at all levels (research, production, drilling, distribution, transportation and storage).  The importance of the exhibition: Considering Iran's potential to become a hub for the entry of Serbian goods into the region of the Persian Gulf countries and 15 neighboring countries, on the one hand, and the importance of the Serbian market in accessing the European market for Iran and a suitable investment platform for the country of Serbia, attendance at this exhibition can be important to get to know the potential of cooperation with Serbia in the industry.

Organizer: Jelena Tošić Stojiljković 

Coordinator: tel: +381 (0)11 2655-178 special assistant: Milica Vučić    tel: +381 (0)11 2655-400    

special assistant: Danica Kordić   tel/fax: +381 (0)11 2655-556

Project manager: Danijela Pasti   tel: +381 (0)11 2655-648

Link: Email: Email:

Venue: The 24th Milan Plast Exhibition 2023
Date:5-8 Sep. 2023
Milan - Italy
:Milan Plast is the largest event in the European plastic and rubber industry, which is the second largest international event in the world's rubber and plastic industry after the K exhibition in Germany, and is held every three years.

Venue: OTD energy 2023 

Date: 17-19 Oct. 2023

Place: Stavanger - Norway

Subject: Review of energy, technology and sustainability - exploring the opportunities and challenges of the offshore wind and oil industry.

Perspective:The leading trade fair for the Norwegian oil and energy industry. Sustainability, decarbonization, carbon absorption, energy efficiency and lower emissions will be new business opportunities. 


Venue: Rus Gas Expo 2023 

Date: 3-6 Oct. 2023 Place: ST. Petersburg - Russia 

Goal: For more than 25 years, this exhibition has become a major industrial event in the Russian gas sector, which is dedicated to the display of achievements in the field of construction, maintenance and reconstruction of the gas pipeline system and gas consumption.


Venue: Oil and Gas Turkmenistan 2023(OGT Expo) 

Date: 25-27 Oct. 2023 Place: Ashgabat- Turkmenistan 

Goal: The exhibition has become an event for the oil and gas community of Turkmenistan and has also established itself as a premier regional and international event that provides unparalleled access to the latest information on national, regional and international developments in the oil sector. and provides gas. Perspective: The development of the oil and gas industry is one of the main priorities of Turkmenistan's politics. The sustainable development of Turkmenistan's natural resources, investment in infrastructure and the petrochemical industry are critical to the continued growth of the economy. The effective implementation of this policy is closely related to regional and international cooperation, as well as the creation of mutually beneficial partnerships between the public and private sectors, and also facilitates the increase in oil and gas production for the needs of the domestic market, as well as new ways for export. opens

Venue: Belarusian Energy and Ecology Forum 

Date: 17-20 Oct. 2023 Place: Minsk. Russia

This international event is a specialized exhibition in the field of oil, gas, petrochemical industry technologies, energy, ecology, energy saving and sustainable energies. Considering the position of Belarus in the region and the positive economic interactions with our country, it will be a good opportunity to present and present the capabilities and capacities of the oil and gas industry and our country.

Venue: Chem Tech World Expo 2024 

Date: 1-3 March. 2024 Place: Mumbai- India 

Goal: Creating a platform for business interactions and strategic alliances  Exhibition

product groups: Chemical processing industries, engineering, procurement, construction, specialized chemicals, industrial automation and process control, water and environmental services, pumps and valves, biopharma and biotechnology, laboratory and analysis, refining and petrochemical and oil. 


  • Venue: Milan- Italy
  • Dates: 29 May- 1 June 2018
  • Objective: Considering that Milan Plast Exhibition has been one of the most prestigious international events in this industry and the European market from the past until now and is also one of the most important and attractive target markets for petrochemical products and Iran has a very good infrastructure in this industry. In the future, various and appropriate plans have been made, so an opportunity was provided to expand the export of Iranian petrochemical products in this exhibition. Especially that Iranian products have a relatively good competitiveness compared to the products of other foreign companies.
  • Venue: Istanbul - Turkey
  • Dates: 25- 28 October 2017
  • Participants: National Petrochemical Company as an integrated and pavilion with the presence of holdings / private petrochemical companies
  • Objective: The presence of Iran's petrochemical industry in a coherent and integrated manner in international events
  • Venue:Düsseldorf - Germany
  • Dates:19- 26 October 2022
  • Subject:Exhibition K is the largest exhibition of the plastics and rubber industry in the world, which is held every three years in the exhibition center of Düsseldorf, Germany.
  • Objective:The largest gathering of the most important suppliers of plastics and rubber machinery, raw materials and auxiliaries, semi-finished products, technical parts and reinforcement of plastic products. K Plastics & Rubber Exhibition is an ideal opportunity to showcase products and innovations and  make connections with industry owners.
Last Update date : Sep 8 2024