Iran Petrochemical Forum - IPF

Iran Petrochemical Forum - IPF

Iran Petrochemical Forum - IPF

The National Petrochemical Company, with regard to Iran's vast oil and gas reserves, efficient manpower and access to global markets, by holding thirteen international conferences entitled "Iran International Petrochemical Conference: IPF" from 1999 to 2017 an opportunity to attract Provide domestic and international investors through participation in the production and export of chemicals and prevent the sale of crude oil and gas resources created.

This summit is one of the most prestigious conferences in the world that discusses key issues of the petrochemical industry.

IPF provides an ideal opportunity for stakeholders and key players active in various sectors of the petrochemical industry internationally to discuss the latest achievements, advances and developments that shape the future of the industry. The first round of IPF took place during the tenure of Mr. Nematzadeh the then NPC president. This innovative event was very successful in the first period, which caused effective communication for Iran in the international arena. The annual event continued and grew bigger and bigger in each period. The most important and biggest goal of this conference is to attract direct investments, international cooperation, ease the receiving of financial facilities as well as insurance coverage, attract and support domestic investors by introducing the domestic capabilities of Iran's petrochemical industry.


The effort of this conference over the past years has been to create an appropriate opportunity for the exchange of information between the players of this value-creating industry so that the achievements of this sector can be shared with the producers and activists of this industry.

It has provided the possibility of constructive interaction with all Iranian and foreign companies supplying modern technologies.

History of Iran Petrochemical Forum - IPF

  • Date: 1-2 May 2023
  • Venue: Tehran - Iran
  • Organizer: National Iranian Petrochemical Company (NIPC)
  • Co- Organizer:Iranian Inc. for Contemporary International Conferences & Fair (IICIC)
  • Core topics: Value Chain, New Opportunities
  • View: 14th international Iran Petrochemical Forum (IPF) will be held on 1-2 May 2023 in Tehran, Iran. IPF has always been an opportunity for petrochemical technology owners, licensors, financial institutions, commercial companies and producers from across the world to exchange ideas and discuss their latest achievements, successes and solutions through networking. National Iranian Petrochemical Company (NIPC), the organizer of the 14th IPF, invites all companies, institutions, scholars and specialists interested in:

- introducing their new technologies;

- presenting their financing solutions and services; - explaining the status of their production industries;

- getting first-hand information on the status quo and the future trends of Iranian petrochemical industry;

to attend the Forum and share their experience and ideas.

On the sideline of the Forum, a number of workshops will be held on topics in the petrochemical industry that could not be fully explored in the main Forum. At the same time, an exhibition will be held at the main conference venue, where exhibitors have the opportunity to present their products and services capabilities.

  • Topics:

- Feeds, products and supply chains

- Cutting-edge solutions and optimizations

- Petrochemical and refinery integration and coordination

- Manufacturing and market trends

- Methanol market and applications

- Global energy crisis and the future of petrochemicals

- Financing and investment opportunity

- Zero-emission and energy efficiency

  • Contact us:

Tel: +98 21 22048859 +98 21 22037383

 Mobile: +98 9981471451

WhatsApp: +98 9981471451

Postal code: 1916638854



  • Venue: Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •   Date: 22-23 April 2017
  •   Participants: 282 domestic and foreign companies
  •   Core topics:

1.  Investment opportunities in Iran's petrochemical industry in the form of development of new hubs and petrochemical parks

2.  Role of new technologies in the future development of the petrochemical industry and the expansion of production chains

3.  Iran’s Petrochemical industry and environmental commitments

4.  Competitiveness of feeds used in petrochemical industry and feeds available in Iran

5.  Investigation on factors and driving force projects of petrochemical industry in Iran and the region

  •   Objectives of the 13 th forum:

1.  Setting up cooperation and attracting foreign and domestic capital

2.  Introducing the internal capabilities

3.  Providing new technologies and ease of obtaining international financial facilities and insurance coverage

4. Attracting direct investment

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •          Date:13-14 December 2015
  •          Participants:676 domestic and foreign companies
  •          Core topics:

1.  Investment opportunities in Iran's petrochemical industry in the post-sanction era

2.  Terms and conditions governing the investment in Iran

3.  The impact of global economic trends on the petrochemical industry

4.  The role of energy price fluctuations on the petrochemical industry

5.  Effects of crude oil prices on ethylene and propylene prices

6. New technologies for conversion of natural gas to olefin (GTO), propylene (GTP) and OCM Development and investment in integrated petroleum refineries based on gas condensate feed 

7. Competition of feedstocks used in the petrochemical industry such as ethane, naphtha, coal and shale gas

1.   Solutions and innovations in the petrochemical industry

2.   International cooperation and development of Iran's petrochemical industry

3.   New technologies

4.   HSE, Human Resources and Environmental Protection

5.   Trade and logistics

6.   Marketing, investment and financing potential

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •          Date:13-14 May 2013
  •          Participants:300 domestic and foreign companies
  •          Core topics:

1. Value chain approach in Iran's petrochemical industry

2. Introducing hubs and petrochemical parks

3. Investment opportunities in Iran's petrochemical industry

4. Advanced technologies in the petrochemical industry

5. Petrochemical industry development trend (Iran and Asia)

6. The role of privatization in the development of petrochemical industries

7.  Feed, production and market of petrochemical products

8.  Sanctions, the global economic crisis and the petrochemical industries

9.  Integrated Petro-Refinery units, flexible multi-purpose units

10. Perspectives of SMEs in petrochemical industries

11. Optimization and innovation in production units (capacity and energy)

12. Products quality and effects of international law (REACH, ...)

13. Supply chain management and logistics in the petrochemical industry

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •          Date:13-14 May 2013
  •          Participants:300 domestic and foreign companies
  •          Core topics:

1. Value chain approach in Iran's petrochemical industry

2. Introducing hubs and petrochemical parks

3. Investment opportunities in Iran's petrochemical industry

4. Advanced technologies in the petrochemical industry

5. Petrochemical industry development trend (Iran and Asia)

6. The role of privatization in the development of petrochemical industries

7.  Feed, production and market of petrochemical products

8.  Sanctions, the global economic crisis and the petrochemical industries

9.  Integrated Petro-Refinery units, flexible multi-purpose units

10. Perspectives of SMEs in petrochemical industries

11. Optimization and innovation in production units (capacity and energy)

12. Products quality and effects of international law (REACH, ...)

13. Supply chain management and logistics in the petrochemical industry

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •          Date:21-22 May 2011
  •          Participants:292 domestic and foreign companies
  •          Core topics:
  1.  New petrochemical technologies (upstream and downstream)
  2.  Production perspective of petrochemical products market
  3.  Investment opportunities in the petrochemical industry
  4.   Petrochemical environmental impacts
  5.  The role of raw material prices in the development of the petrochemical industry
  6.  The future of Iran Petrochemical and the Middle East region
  7.  The crisis of the global economy and the supply and demand trend of petrochemical products
  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •          Date:17-18 May 2008
  •          Participants:493 domestic and foreign companies
  •          Core topics:

1.   Challenges ahead

2.   Natural gas based Petrochemical products

3.   Analysis of investment plans and risk assessment

4.   Advances in olefin technologies

5.   Aromatics and its derivatives

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •         Date: 7-8 May 2005
  •         Participants:593 domestic and foreign companies
  •         Core topics:

1.  The dynamics of the petrochemical industry

2.  Petrochemical products market outlook

3.  Opportunities and challenges

4.  Recent advances and alternative technologies

1.  Investment opportunities in the petrochemical industry

2.  Challenges ahead of the petrochemical industry

3.  Globalization

4.  Resource potential for sustainable development of petrochemical industries

  • Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization
  •         Date:17-18 May 2003
  •         Participants:526 domestic and foreign companies
  •         Core topics:

1.  Challenges and strategies

2.  Feeds of petrochemical industry and joint-venture projects

3.  Marketing of petrochemical products

  1.    Petrochemical industry and challenges ahead

  2.    Petrochemical investment plans

  3.    Innovative technologies in the petrochemical

1.  Petrochemical industry outlook

2.  Marketing

3.  Investment potential


      Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization


      Participants:340 domestic and foreign companies

      Core topics:

1.  Past, present and future of Iran's petrochemical industry

2.  Production, market, price and investment prospects in the petrochemical industry

3.  Petrochemical industry management

4.  Environmental and energy issues in the petrochemical industry

5.  Petrochemical industry feeds

Venue:Conference Hall of the Islamic Republic Broadcasting Organization


      Participants:302 domestic and foreign companies


      Core topics:

1.        Current and future situation of petrochemical industry in Iran

2.        Petrochemical industry for economic development

3.        Attracting the foreign investment

4.      Evaluating the advantages and regulations of Special Economic Zones of Iran's petrochemical industry

5.        Global and regional market trends of petrochemical products

The National Petrochemical Company, with regard to Iran's vast oil and gas reserves, efficient manpower and access to global markets, by holding thirteen international conferences entitled "Iran International Petrochemical Conference: IPF" from 1999 to 2017 an opportunity to attract Provide domestic and international investors through participation in the production and export of chemicals and prevent the sale of crude oil and gas resources created.

This summit is one of the most prestigious conferences in the world that discusses key issues of the petrochemical industry.

IPF provides an ideal opportunity for stakeholders and key players active in various sectors of the petrochemical industry internationally to discuss the latest achievements, advances and developments that shape the future of the industry. The first round of IPF took place during the tenure of Mr. Nematzadeh the then NPC president. This innovative event was very successful in the first period, which caused effective communication for Iran in the international arena. The annual event continued and grew bigger and bigger in each period. The most important and biggest goal of this conference is to attract direct investments, international cooperation, ease the receiving of financial facilities as well as insurance coverage, attract and support domestic investors by introducing the domestic capabilities of Iran's petrochemical industry.


The effort of this conference over the past years has been to create an appropriate opportunity for the exchange of information between the players of this value-creating industry so that the achievements of this sector can be shared with the producers and activists of this industry.

It has provided the possibility of constructive interaction with all Iranian and foreign companies supplying modern technologies.

Last Update date : Aug 31 2024