Know-how and technology transfer fields
International cooperation in the fields of know-how and technology transfer
Employing high- tech and complicated technologies, petrochemical industry forms a significant part of the global chemical industries. Hence, promoting international interactions and applying state-of-the-art know-how and technologies in Iran's petrochemical industry not only result in economic efficiency improvement, but also encourage local academic and research centers experts to do their best to localize such know-how and technologies. Strategic goals of Iran's petrochemical industry are identifying the opportunities, using state-of-the-art technologies as well as maximizing local content by employing industrial, technical and engineering capabilities of the country in accordance with laws and regulations and national strategies defined for technology developments. Manpower training, recruiting Iranian experts, awarding concession and preparing technical documents are the prerequisites for entering into international cooperation agreements/contracts. Participation of Iranian companies, universities and research centers in such contracts will facilitate the effective transfer of complicated hard and soft know-how and technologies.
Listed below are a number of internationally well- known licensors contributed to the development of Iran’s petrochemical industry: